Be kind and respectful to your fellow members! Don't seek to cause trouble or anger! We're all people here!
Don't spam. Nobody likes a spammer. (|Addendum: please don't quote the original post of a thread if it's longer than a few sentences; it'll lead to bloat and make the thread harder to read through overall ^^;|)
It's a running joke at this point, but please don't private message Akiyu! If you have something you'd like him to see, post it in the "Message Box" board and he'll check it out at some point! If it needs to be discussed privately for one reason or another, visit our website at and we'll do our best to help you out!
Keep political discussion to a minimum; this forum is meant to be a low-stress environment. Per Proboards' rules, COVID discussion is banned outright.
If you see anyone breaking rules 1-4, notify a staff member!
Have fun!
If you have any questions, message a staff member!